
Boring Life

Oh my gosh you guys, my life is so boring. I feel like I’m stuck in a rut. I don’t really have anything that I really enjoy doing anymore. I...
Life, Vacation

Airport Tears

Yesterday we came home from spending a week and a half with my family in Nova Scotia. At the airport I did something very embarrassing. I started crying because the...

There Goes All My Money

So I guess I bought a car yesterday. We went into Go Honda which was one of the dealerships my boyfriend had been talking with and accepted their offer. I...

Summer Weather

So basically the day after my last post, the weather turned beautiful. I’ve been able to wear shorts all day everyday since Tuesday. And I don’t see an end of...

Disappointing Weekend

I had a bunch of days off thanks to my birthday and a national holiday, but it didn’t really go as planned. The weather was supposed to be nice so...