Health, Pregnancy

Second Prenatal Appointment

Today is August 20 and I am almost 17 weeks pregnant. I had my second prenatal appointment today which was pretty similar to the first one. I had the same experience with the toilet flushing on me during my urine test. This time I made sure I had to pee, but I am so bad at aiming my stream. I don’t know how other people do it but I seriously peed all over my hand and all over the cup.

They took my weight and blood pressure again and we got to hear the heartbeat for the second time. It was 160 today which was pretty close to what it was last time so we still think it’s probably a girl. I also used the Chinese Gender Test when I first got pregnant which says I’m having a girl. Plus my boyfriend already has a daughter so I feel like the chances are high for having a girl.

The doctor found the heartbeat right away today. She moved the Doppler (or what she calls the baby telephone) around and we could hear the heartbeat in two areas, which had my boyfriend and I both wondering if there are more than one baby in there since we do have twins in both our families. But the doctor said you can hear the heart in the baby and also in the placenta. I guess we’ll have to wait for the ultrasound to know for sure.

One thing I didn’t know before getting pregnant was that you have to choose what hospital you what to give birth in. Today I told her which hospital I wanted (I guess I live in the middle of like two or three different ones) and she assigned me a doctor who will actually be delivering the baby since I didn’t have a preference. Of course there’s still a chance that another doctor will deliver the baby if he’s not available when the baby is ready to arrive.

My next appointment will be the anatomy scan ultrasound which I am and am not looking forward to. It is our first ultrasound and obviously I am excited to see what the baby actually looks like and make sure everything looks good. I’m also really hoping we can tell what the gender is, although the doctor told us today that they don’t usually tell you during the anatomy scan. She did say that if you ask the tech to give us their guess they should tell us though.

I am not looking forward to the ultrasound though because of my previous experiences with ultrasounds. I am going to try not to drink as much water as I did before my previous ones and hope they can still see everything they need to without me peeing my pants.

Week 16
Week 16
  1. Congratulations! I had to laugh when I read about the urine test. I hate them. I never can pee on demand and if I can it is never enough. I’ve had to have a few ultrasounds due to cysts on my ovaries and issues with my uterus. I always bring a pad or something absorbent and something to change into should I pee my pants lol it happens. Good luck and hope the ultrasound goes well!

  2. I’m bad at urine tests myself. Last time I had one I got it all over myself. XD

    I’m glad things are going well with the baby. Are you hoping it’s a girl?

    1. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who pees on myself haha. I was hoping for a girl because my brother had five boys. I wanted to be the first with a girl.

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