Driving, Gaming, Home, Life, Places Post

2017 In Review: Part Two

January 2017

February 2017

  • I started a new 10-minute workout that I found on my Facebook wall.
  • I went to the Flying Canoe Festival with my boyfriend.
  • I went to the Silver Skate Festival where a friend had a Fire Scuplture in the show.
  • I planted some seeds from a Bell Pepper which is still alive but hasn’t grown any peppers.
  • I read the book Hollow City by Ransom Riggs.
  • I created my first Sims 4 Challenge.

March 2017

  • I finished a 1500 piece puzzle at work.

    1500 Piece Puzzle
    1500 Piece Puzzle
  • I bought a Canada 150 colouring book that I never color in.
  • I won my first free coffee from Tim Hortons (which I never redeemed).
  • I sat on my patio sunbathing without a jacket on despite there being snow on the ground.
  • We bought The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the WiiU (still have not beat it).
  • My brother had his fifth and final son (all kids are male).
  • My car windows started freezing up on the inside (which it also did this November. Still haven’t figured out why).

April 2017

  • I bought a new journal where you answer one question a day for 5 years.

  • I moved my bookcase into my computer room and rearranged the furniture and books.
  1. I hope you have a great year in 2018! 😀

    Wow, that puzzle is impressive! So many pieces! x_x

    The One Question A Day journal looks great! It’s an interesting format, which would be cool to reflect on later. 😀

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