Website · January 18, 2013 3

New Layout

Owl Dot-to-Dot Layout

With starting over on my blog, I wanted to make a new layout. I have a dot-to-dot book with pictures that have numbers over 1000. This owl was in the book with numbers over 500. I connected the dots with a pen, scanned the picture to my computer, then traced the lines using Paint Shop Pro’s pen tool. I then colored in the sections on the computer to create the header image.

This is the first time I’ve used custom fonts. I downloaded them from 1001 Free Fonts. I used one called Attract More Women and Aenigma Scrawl. I really like the font that I used for the blog posts but I worry that it will be too hard for people to read. How is it for you?

The next thing I want to work on is getting some of my pages back up and re-posting the recipes that I really like. I miss not having my recipes right at my fingertips wherever I am. Was there any content that you would like to see me put back on if possible?

Have you have any comments or criticisms about the new layout please let me know. If you know how to fix something you don’t like, an explanation on how to fix it would be nice to follow up with your criticism.