Life, Parenting

New Beginnings

My maternity leave ended and I have returned to work. Both my boys started daycare in the middle of July and it’s been going okay. My 1 year old cried at drop off for the first 2 weeks but was okay after I left. He still cries occasionally, but not every time I leave now.

They always say that when kids start daycare they will be sick all the time. I can confirm that it’s true. Someone has been sick every week since they began. And I don’t see any end in sight. First it was the 1 year old, then dad, then me, then the 5 year old, then me again, now the 1 year old again! It sure makes it hard to be a working mom.

Most recently my oldest started Kindergarten. I’m so excited for him to be in school. He has only had one day so far but he had so much fun. I enjoyed school throughout my life and I hope it’s the same for him. He is very concerned about bullies so I hope he doesn’t have to deal with them for a long time.


  1. First I love the new look on the site!

    Getting sick is the worst and it always seems to travel through the whole house. Except one year when everyone got the flu but me. XD Hopefully the cycle ends soon!

    Hope your kid has fun at school and doesn’t have to deal with any bullying. That stuff can be so rough.

  2. My husband is currently sick and now I’m waiting to be the next victim. We don’t have kids but I can only imagine what it’s like when they enter school!

    Hopefully your son won’t have to deal with any bullying. It’s rough to watch children go through that and just isn’t fair.

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