Health / Pregnancy · January 7, 2019 7

Baby is Measuring Small

I had another ultrasound last week to check on the baby’s growth. He is still measuring small while all the other numbers are still good.

Today I had my follow up appointment with my doctor and he said baby is now in the 10th percentile for size, down from the 15th.

I will be having another ultrasound next week on the 16th followed by an appointment at the hospital. I believe I will be having a Non-Stress Test done and depending on the results of the ultrasound and other tests they may induce me that day.

That means I could have a baby next week! That’s so crazy. I hope that I don’t need to be induced because I heard that it makes labor contractions more painful and there is a higher risk of having a C-section. But if that’s what is best for baby, then I guess that’s the route I will be taking.

Today they also did a cervix check which showed that my cervix is still closed and in a posterior position. They also did a swab for Group B Strep.