Health, Pregnancy

Baby is Measuring Small

I had another ultrasound last week to check on the baby’s growth. He is still measuring small while all the other numbers are still good.

Today I had my follow up appointment with my doctor and he said baby is now in the 10th percentile for size, down from the 15th.

I will be having another ultrasound next week on the 16th followed by an appointment at the hospital. I believe I will be having a Non-Stress Test done and depending on the results of the ultrasound and other tests they may induce me that day.

That means I could have a baby next week! That’s so crazy. I hope that I don’t need to be induced because I heard that it makes labor contractions more painful and there is a higher risk of having a C-section. But if that’s what is best for baby, then I guess that’s the route I will be taking.

Today they also did a cervix check which showed that my cervix is still closed and in a posterior position. They also did a swab for Group B Strep.

  1. How crazy! It feels like not long ago you posted about having a baby! Good luck! Can’t wait to hear more!

  2. That’s amazing that it will happen soon! Good luck in your delivery.

  3. Wishing you the best both for yourself and for your baby!

  4. Wow, everything is happening so quickly! I still recall the very first post I read from you about having a baby! <3 So excited for you and I wish you all the best!

  5. Good luck with everything, and I hope they don’t have to induce you! My mom had me by C-section and she didn’t like it, but I’ve heard they’ve come a long way with C-sections and a lot of women prefer them. Either way, good luck!

  6. Wow, so soon! I can’t believe the time has gone by so fast. Wishing you all the best!

  7. I’ve seen you Instagram post since you wrote this blog, so congrats! Hope you’re all doing well!

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