Events, Pregnancy

Planning a Baby Shower

At first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to have a baby shower. You can’t really throw one for yourself, because it looks like you are just asking people for gifts. I started setting up an Amazon Baby Registry pretty much as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t plan on sharing it with anyone until we made our pregnancy announcement, but a family member was told about it and wanted to see it early which caused me stress. I felt like I was being rushed and I didn’t feel my list was ready for public viewing.

During a visit with some friends, one of them offered to help me throw a shower which I was thankful for. She also recruited another friend who had helped her throw her shower a couple years ago. The only problem with having a baby shower though, is that I don’t really have any friends haha. My family all lives on the other side of Canada and my best friend is 4 hours away. I wanted to have a co-ed shower so I wouldn’t be alone, but my boyfriend refused to come. So I started planning on a small get-together with about 4-6 people.

I’m not really a social person, so sitting in a room with people I don’t really know that well was a stressful thought for me. One of the hosts suggested we go do an activity like bowling, which sounds fun since we wouldn’t be sitting around staring at each other. But at the same time, thinking about being 7 months pregnant (the shower is in November) and trying to bowl, sounded like a bad idea to me.

As we started brainstorming, I also set up a Facebook page so I could start inviting some long-distance people in case they actually could make it and needed to book some time off to come. I really didn’t expect my best friend or any of our families to come. My best friend said she is going to try and fly up for the event, and then my boyfriend’s mom and sister said they are also going to try to attend (they live about 15 hours away). But I’m honestly not sure who is going to be there. People keep saying they are coming and then saying they can’t. It does make it a bit tricky to plan.

I think at this point I’ve pretty much got it planned out in my head. We have a date picked and a few people have confirmed that they are coming. I think I know what food I’m going to have. Now I mostly have to decide which games we are going to play and hope that we don’t get bored.

  1. What a great idea to go bowling for a baby shower! It kind of makes it less awkward if you don’t enjoy that kind of thing. Hope you have a great shower!

    1. Thank you. It is next Sunday on the 18th. Also, thank you for the gift! I will be sending out Thank You cards after the shower.

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