
A Sims 4 Story: Starting a Family

Read the first chapter of my Sims story starting Ashlee (Melton) Zest here.

Shortly after marriage, Ashlee and Johnny started trying for a baby. After a failed attempt, they found out they were pregnant with their first child named Bronwyn Zest.

Ashlee continued courting Johnny to try and fill her Aspiration (which due to a Sim bug was unable to fulfill) and also climbed up the ranks in her career to make sure her heir would have enough to live when they moved out in the future.

After Bronwyn was born, Ashlee and Johnny had another failed attempt at conceiving before their son Charlie Zest was born. Life was pretty busy with a toddler and a baby for Ashlee. She tried to keep the house running despite everything breaking (toilets, sinks, fridge, etc.) and plan birthday parties which she wasn’t always successful in doing. While she missed her own birthday, she always made sure her children had celebrations.

After Bronwyn was in school and Charlie became a toddler, Ashlee found out she was pregnant on the first try with her second daughter Danielle.