

The weather network was calling for 20 degrees today so I got dressed in my shorts and waited for the sun to come out. I had hoped to sit in the sun for a while today and finally get some things planted in my garden.

But the sun never really came out. It was overcast all day. I decided to walk out to the garbage bin to gage the temperature and decided it was warm enough to get some stuff done.

Last year my garden didn’t grow anything. So this year I decided to get rid of some of the dirt and put in new dirt. I found lots of earth worms so I figured that was a good sign. I didnt dig up as much dirt as I planned on, so hopefully it was enough.

I got a bunch of seeds planted and I also transplanted my aloe plant. If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen the little visitor that also liked my Aloe.

I really hope that my seeds grow this year. I would love to see more life in my little garden other than weeds.

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