Events, Life

I Love the Holidays

Christmas has always been one of my favourite times of the year. I love looking at the Christmas lights, listening to the Christmas music, buying gifts for other people, etc. I’ve gone to a lot of Holiday events this year which I have written about on Drag Him Out. The most memorable were the lighting of the Christmas Tree downtown, Festival of Trees, and I got to see the CP Holiday Train for the first time. Check out the posts to see pictures from the events .

I don’t have many other events planned for this month, besides going to Candy Cane Lane, which I mentioned last year in my blog. But there are always events popping up on my Twitter feed that I find interesting. Do you guys like going out to events in your community? I think I got my love for them from my Mom. She was always taking us out to events like these.

So this Christmas marks two years since I’ve been home to see my family. I have one nephew that I only met once who turns three this month and then another nephew that was born in August who I haven’t met at all. I really wish that money and time were non-existent so I could just pick up and go home to visit everyone. But when I went home the last time at Christmas the plane ticket was twice the normal price, and Christmas is one of the busiest times at my work. I’m planning on taking a trip home in June/July to see/meet everyone. Do any of you live away from your families? Do you go home at Christmas to see them?

I actually can’t even believe that Christmas is coming so fast this year! It’s only two weeks away. I’m almost done my Christmas shopping, just some stocking-stuffers left to buy for my boyfriend. What are your favourite stocking-stuffers? I’m not really sure what I’m going to buy. I only have Monday left where I can go shopping so I have to find everything else I need that day.

Do you send out Christmas cards? This is my fifth year sending cards to my co-workers. It began when I started working for my current company in Nova Scotia. The girls there always sent Christmas cards to everyone, and if someone sends me a card, of course I will return them. I brought the tradition with me when I moved to Alberta. This will be my third year giving cards to my co-workers and you know what? I think I have only received one back, from my previous manager the first year I moved here. It sometimes makes me not want to give them out any more, but this time of year is more about giving instead of getting, right?

I am making it my goal to regain a blog following over the next year and participating in a Christmas card exchange next Christmas. I think it has been a couple years since I’ve done that and it is something I miss. Maybe I will try to keep my eyes open for small objects throughout the year that would fit in an envelope so I can send them a little part of Edmonton as well.

  1. It is crazy how fast this holiday season has come. Wasn’t it just Thanksgiving like yesterday? LOL
    I hope you have a great Christmas too πŸ™‚ It has hard to be far from family. We’re getting a ton of visitors this year, but that is more due to baby and not holidays heh. I’ve sort of given up on sending out cards this year since I get so few back and since i still haven’t sent out my thank you cards heh.

  2. I love the holidays. Christmas always feels so magical. T

    he holidays came out of no where this year. October and November came out of no were and flew by.

    I always say I’m going to send out Christmas cards and then before I know it I’ve run out of time.

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  3. It would be hard for you not being able to see them, but with the cost I am sure they understand. It might even be better if you can go back at a later time, it might not be as rushed and stressful.

    I love to send cards. Probably because I like to design them, have them printed and then find things to include with them. It’s hard when the postage costs go up every year though. πŸ™

    There are many things that you can include in envelopes. Like charms, bookmarks, printed words/quotes, drawings, a written note, embellishments, post it notes, some erasers (if they are small and flat), stickers, some jewellery. I guess it depends on who you are sending to as well. xD

  4. The holidays are the best time of year I think. I love the snow, the warmth of being by a fireplace or stove (not that I have either) and going to see the Christmas lights and the special holiday places like Candy Cane Lane.

    I don’t know if I am remembering correctly but I used to live in Calgary and I thought there was a Candy Cane Lane or something like that there as well and something similar to the CP Holiday Train only it was not a train but just a big light display in a park or something. Maybe I am remembering wrong and we went up to Edmonton or something…

    Either way it’s a lot of fun to go to things like that! We have a Holiday parade in Halifax which I missed this year. But I did get to see the tree lighting in Digby which was fun.

    Reading about it being two years since you have seen your family really struck home. Mine are obviously not as far as yours are from you but this year will be my first year in Halifax without my family before they were either living in the city as well even if we were not in the same house or I went to Digby to see them. It really sucks not being near your family doesn’t it? I am glad to hear you will be heading back here for June or July to see them though!

    I have never been big on Christmas cards. I just never remember to do them. I think next year though I want to try and do a Christmas card exchange with other bloggers or something. I have never done anything like that and think it would be fun.

  5. First of all, here is that apple crisp recipe: It’s insanely easy and wows the crowd each time I make it. As for Christmas, I’m with you on all of the magic, decor, music, food, gatherings, etc that Christmas brings. We’re hosting Christmas Eve this year and I’m so excited to bring the magic into my home. I hope you have a blast at Candy Cane Lane and have a wonderful Christmas, too!

  6. I would TOTALLY be down to participate in a Christmas card exchange! πŸ™‚ I love, love, love the holidays and I do not mind giving at all!

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