
Bachelor Dream

Last night I had a dream. It’s the second dream I’ve had that included someone from the TV show The Bachelor. The first dream had JP Rosenbaum in it which made sense because I was reading about his then upcoming wedding to Ashley right before I went to bed. But tonight I dreamt about Jef Holm who I’m pretty sure I didn’t read about before bed haha.

I was sitting in my grandparent’s house with a bunch of family and “friends” when in comes Jef and two of his buddies. I pretended not to notice as I would normally do around celebrities (or guys I like in general). The family proceeded to open gifts (I guess it was Christmas or something?) and when I opened mine I was not impressed. I received a package of Army men and two sleepers for a baby. I was like, what I going to do with these? I almost started crying. I went out to the kitchen after a while to be alone and Jef came in and we had a conversation about why I got emotional from my gift. I told him my story about how my life is not going the way that I had planned it. About how I had planned on getting married when I was 25 and having kids when I was 27 which obviously never happened since I’m already 27. The baby sleepers reminded me of that. I talked about how I really want to have kids before I’m 30 which is going to be difficult since I’m already 27 and not yet married (marriage is a prerequisite for me for children). Jef basically just sat there and listened and understood. It was nice. After we were done talking we hugged and agreed that we would like to see each other again in the future.

The end.