Driving, Life, Places Post, Vacation

2017 In Review: Part Four

September 2017

  • I drove my boyfriend’s truck for the second time.
  • We went to visit my boyfriend’s parents at their new cottage in British Columbia, staying very close to an active wild fire. We had to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.
    Smoky Hills
    Smoky Hills

    Fishing at the Cottage
    Fishing at the Cottage
  • I started carrying Lego at my store and brought some home to build with the boyfriend.

    Lego BrickHeadz
    Lego BrickHeadz
  • We saw the Northern Lights outside our door for the first time during one of our walks. It was only my second time ever seeing them in my life.

October 2017

  • I parked too close to the concrete post in my parking garage and damaged the side of my car.
    Dented Car Door
    Dented Car Door

    Scratched Car Door
    Scratched Car Door
  • I binge-watched This is Us Season One.

November 2017

  • I made Kung Pao Chicken for the first time.

    Kung Pao Chicken
    Kung Pao Chicken
  • I changed the cabin filter in my car and learned there are things behind your glove box.
  • I changed the engine air filter in my car for the first time.

December 2017

  • I made a little penguin.

  • I started a Christmas puzzle.

    Christmas Puzzle
    Christmas Puzzle
  • I started a bullet journal.
  • I made my first gingerbread house with my boyfriend.

    Gingerbread House
    Gingerbread House
  • I made Gingersnap Cookies for the first time as per the boyfriend’s request (and Shortbreads for me).

  • I did a good job making the Meringue for my Lemon Meringue Pie (second time trying).

    Lemon Meringue Pie
    Lemon Meringue Pie
  • We went to a drive-thru Christmas light show at the Castrol Raceway.
    Christmas Light Display
    Christmas Light Display
    Christmas Light Display
    Christmas Light Display
    Christmas Light Display
    Christmas Light Display

    Christmas Light Display
    Christmas Light Display
  • We had a simple Christmas dinner at home.

    Christmas Dinner
    Christmas Dinner
  1. I love the Lego brickheadz. We’ve got a few here and they’re so fun to build! Plus they look much nicer than the bigger Lego sets, so it’s way easier to find a place for them.

    I love the penguin you made! That’s so cute! And the gingerbread house looks awesome!

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas! Happy New Year!

  2. Looks like you’ve had a great year! I really enjoyed going through your months with you 😀

    The Christmas Light Show looks incredible – I wish we had something like that in the UK.

    Happy New Year!

  3. That penguin is absolutely adorable. Love Christmas lights. My favorite part of the Holiday!

    Happy New Year!

  4. I think it looks like you did a lot of things other than play video games or watch You Tube! I love your gingerbread house, and the Sims house! I used to play Sims for a very short time but never became good at it.

  5. That penguin is so cute!

    You’ve done lots over the year! Have a happy new year!

  6. Yay! You did a lot of things! I’m so happy that you were able to achieve a lot in just a year and how amazing year can be for someone. Ouch on the car.

  7. Wow that’s a lot of things that you have done! The christmas light display is really nice too!

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