city hall

July 2, 2017

Happy #Canada150

Yesterday was Canada Day and I dragged the boyfriend downtown to explore. We started out at Winston Churchill Square to check out The Works Art and Design Festival. Honestly, I didn’t really see much worth looking at. But maybe I just need someone to give me a tour.

Next we walked over to the City Market Downtown. I don’t know why I like going to the Farmers’ Market because I never buy anything due to everything costing so much. But it’s still fun to look around.

I heard that there were things going on in City Hall so we went inside to check it out. There was a line up for a free cookie which was delicious. We took our cookies into the theater(?) where they had some drums set up. We watched some bagpipers and some singers before leaving for our next destination.

We walked across the road to the Art Gallery of Alberta which was free for Canada Day. We’re not huge art fans so we sped through the galleries pretty quickly, again not really seeing anything that interested us. But it was free, and I love things that are free haha.

At this point it was lunch time, not seeing anything that caught our eye at the food trucks, we ended up eating at The 3 Amigos. We occasionally eat at the one located closer to our home so we knew the food was good. We each had some Chicken Empanadas (they were sold out of beef) and were stuffed by the end of the meal.

After eating, we made our way to the Legislature Grounds to see what festivities were going on there. There were lots of people cooling off in the pools as well as entertainers throughout the grounds. We took a break in the shade so we could cool down and I watched a man offering free hugs. It was fun to see all the people taking him up on his offer.

We were able to go inside the Legislature Building which I had never been in. It was neat to see all the portraits and architecture. But by this time the boyfriend was getting tired and so we started back for home.

After having a rest at home, I talked him into taking me out to see the fireworks which was a fun conclusion to Canada’s 150th birthday.

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