Events, Life

I Love the Holidays

Christmas has always been one of my favourite times of the year. I love looking at the Christmas lights, listening to the Christmas music, buying gifts for other people, etc....

CP Holiday Train

There are two things I love; Trains and Christmas lights. This event had both so I was pretty excited. I missed seeing the train pull into the station but it...
Places Post

Craft Fairs

On Sunday I went to both the Royal Bison Craft Show and the Butterdome Craft Show. The Royal Bison show was really small but it was filled with local vendors...

YouTube Addict

Lately I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos. Two families in particular; The ShayTards and DudeLikeHella. I’m not new to either of these channels. I have watched them off...

Festival of Trees

Last weekend I went to the Festival of Trees for the first time. I was looking forward to looking at all the trees, gingerbread houses, and what kinds of items...