
Was it Something I Said?

It seems like all my neighbors are moving. The townhouse that is attached to ours has been empty for over a month. The neighbors whose door looks into our kitchen...

Don’t Stop Moving

Today I didn’t stop moving until supper time. I started out by putting a bunch of stuff in the slow cooker. Then I went out to do some easter shopping....

Youtube Collision

Other the last month or so, a lot of the youtubers that I watch have been appearing in each others videos. At first it was blowing my mind. I thought...

New Hobby Wanted

I need a new hobby that doesn’t involve looking at a screen. These days I don’t know what to do with myself on my days off. I want to start...

Shopping Preference

I just finished doing some shopping at West Edmonton Mall. I saw a lot of men sitting around waiting for their significant others. When I go shopping I leave my...