
Valentine’s Day Meme: Day 3

Day 3- The first person you wanted to ask to be your Valentine. Did you ask?

I have no idea who the first person would have been, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that I did not ask them. I was (and still am) afraid of boys haha. I would hate to put myself out there to be shot down. I am more confident today and might actually get the nerve to ask someone to be my Valentine in the future but it would still take a lot of courage.

I do remember having my first real guy friend in junior high and I had the hugest crush on him. I wanted him to ask me out for so long. If my crush was still on during Valentines I’m sure I wished he would have asked me. There are many songs that remind me of him and that time in my life.

I do remember the first (and only) person who asked to be my Valentine though. It was a guy I worked with when I worked at the movie theater. He must have been new because I’m pretty sure everyone knew that I already had a boyfriend (and had been with him for years). It’s still flattering to be asked out though and I would try really hard to not hurt the feelings of anyone who asked me out because I know how difficult it can be for a lot of people.

  1. I tried asking someone out to a dance once – it went all right, and I got a date. And man, it was scary and awkward and I have never asked anyone out again. But I feel so sorry for the guys, because there’s so much pressure on them to do the asking. At least it’s socially acceptable for us to sit and wait!

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