
A Sims 4 Story: The Courtship

I have started playing the Sims 4 Challenge which you can read about here.

My founding Sim’s name is Ashlee Melton. She is a young adult with a Love Aspiration looking to find her Soulmate. Her traits are Clumsy, Goofball, and Noncommittal. Because of her aspiration, she is also Alluring.

Ashlee moved into one of the smallest lots in Newcrest which she bought for $1500 named Oak Alcove. After building her modest home she was left with $1883.

Ashlee was given a job as an Entertainer and started learning to play the violin. She also started planting wild plants found in her backyard.

After living in her house for a very short time, she burned some food on the stove and caught herself on fire. She didn’t have time to fully clean up and ended up going to work singed.

At work she spent most of her time getting to know her co-workers. She spent more time with one co-worker in particular, named Johnny Zest. He was her first friend and her first kiss.

On their first date, Ashlee asked him to become her boyfriend but was turned down. Feeling disappointed, she tried flirting with another co-worker later that week which turned into an embarrassing situation.

On Ashlee’s second date with Johnny they had a great time and become best friends.

The next day Johnny asked Ashlee out for the first time on another date. She decided to ask again for him to be her boyfriend and he finally said yes! She was so caught up in love that she asked him to marry her and again he said yes! They did not want to wait to get married and eloped right there in the bar.

Johnny moved in with Ashlee which now brings their household funds total to $32,110.

  1. A simple fairytale-like story that probably only exists in The Sims, to our dismay.

  2. I love the Sims! I have all of the Sims 4’s DLCs lmao
    Will definitely play this challenge!
    Good story, I wish real life is as easy and simple *sigh*

    1. My game has been so buggy, especially lately. My Sims will stop moving, it will show in the conversation screen that the person I’m talking to is a different mood than they actually are, etc. If I click on the build mode and then back to live mode it will fix these issues. But I seem to have to switch back and forth all the time.

      I’ve also have bugs where a child can’t go upstairs, a toddler can’t take a bath because there’s babies on the same floor, and I can’t get my Sims to become soulmates. It is very frustrating and makes me not want to play. I feel like the Sims 3 was so much better made.

      Are you having any issues when you play? Which DLC is your favorite? I’m hesitant about spending more money on this version of the Sims for the above mentioned frustrations.

  3. […] Read the first chapter of my Sims story starting Ashlee (Melton) Zest here. […]

  4. […] is part three of Ashlee Zest’s journey throughout my Sims 4 Challenge. You can start from the beginning or click on the tags at the bottom of the post to pick up where you left […]

  5. […] To start from the beginning with Generation One click here. […]

  6. […] Read the first chapter of my Sims story starting Ashlee (Melton) Zest here. […]

  7. […] To start from the beginning with Generation One click here. […]

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