
Stolen License Plate

Last night as I was leaving work, I noticed there was no license plate on my car.  Unfortunately, I don’t remember when I last checked my license plate so it could have been missing for a few days.  I do try to take a look at my car often to see if there are any dents or scratches but I can’t say for certain when I last checked.

I drove the 20 minute drive home angry and also nervous that a cop might pull me over because it’s illegal to drive without a license plate. But I made it home safe.

The first thing I did was go onto the police website to see if I could report the theft but it told me for that kind of theft I had to call or go to a station, so I went to bed mad.

In the morning I called the police number and listened to the options. It said for a license plate theft I needed to go to a station to give a written statement.

The first police station we went to was closed for renovations. The second station we found, had moved. The third one on the GPS, we could not find. We finally found a fourth station and went in. When I told the cop that I wanted to report a stolen license plate he told me I had to call the phone number that I called in the morning and report it that way…

Needless to say, at this point I was pretty frustrated (as was my boyfriend who was driving me around in his truck). I finally got a police report number and went to the registry to get a new license plate; which I had to pay for I might add.

Tomorrow I am going to Canadian Tire and getting some special screws that require a special tool to remove. Hopefully that will make it harder to steal my plate in the future so I don’t have to go through this all again.

  1. Whaaat? Why would someone steal that?!

    1. They can steal a car, put my plate on it, and any tickets issued will be sent to me.

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