Life, Website, Work

New Website

Ah how I have missed my blog. I come to look at it now and then and it makes me so happy. I like how it looks. But my new website has been an attention hog over the last month or so.

If you want to visit, the link is It’s basically an event blog, listing events happening in Edmonton. Right now it doesn’t have much but as the year goes on I can see it growing. It was sort of my boyfriend’s idea. Apparently he had been telling his work buddies about all these adventures I take him out on and one of his friend’s was like, “Hey man, can you send me a link to the events going on?”

I personally have to scour the internet trying to find all the different activities that are happening so we thought it would be a good idea to write it down online (instead of hogging all the information for myself) so other people could go out and enjoy themselves too.

While working on the new website, I realized that my web design skills are so rusty. It took me forever to try and figure out how to get certain things to work the way that I wanted them too. There are still some pages and CSS issues that I can’t figure out but I’m just going to let it be for now.

Having multiple websites is hard though, because as you can see, certain ones get neglected at times. I am really trying to work harder at making a schedule so I can get things done on time. But it’s not really working. Right now I keep everything written down in an agenda that I keep in my bag. But most of the time, it’s out of sight, out of mind. I have to get back into the mindset of a student and give myself due dates. I’m hoping that my work schedule will be more consistent coming up next month and that will hopefully give me more of a routine to work with.

It was really hard to make a schedule that wasn’t all over the place over the last few months because we had a huge turnover with employees. But things are starting to settle down again and I’m really hoping it stays that way, for my sanity.

  1. I like the idea of your new website. I always find it hard to locate events around here.

    I always find it takes me forever to get all the CSS the way I want it. I don’t usually do a theme from scratch, just find something I like and then work some CSS magic to make it more what I want, leaving credits in tact obviously and only if they allow changes to the theme, but ya you get my drift.

    I could not imagine trying to run more then one site right now. I neglect the only one I have, my blog a lot.

    Hopefully your work schedule issues work out!

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