Life, Work


I feel bad for not posting in a while. I kept thinking about it but haven’t had time or anything to talk about. I’m the type of person who likes routine. And lately, my life has been so unstable. My work life got even more crazy over the last month or two. I’ve been given some new responsibilities which is great, but now I feel like I’m running the store on my own. I only see my manager about once a week or less now because we have to run two stores. One thing that I’m very excited about is that I get to make the schedule for both stores. I’ve always wanted to make the schedule since my first job of working at the movie theatre. My first schedule has been posted and I haven’t had any complaints from my team which is a good sign. I’m a very organized person so I think this is the perfect task for me. I went out and bought a new binder to I can keep myself organized. I would hate to schedule someone for a shift they told me they could not work.

Besides the turmoil at work, my home life is also about to be disrupted. My boyfriend found out that he has to be out of his apartment by the end of May. We have been talking about living together for a while now so we thought this would be a good time. However, I love where I live. It’s the perfect place for me to be able to get to work. The rooms are big. I like my view. My deck is awesome. But it’s only a one bedroom so it would be way too small for the two of us to live comfortably. I set out the task for my boyfriend to find a place for the two of us that is still within walking distance of my work place. To be honest, this is a very difficult task because there aren’t too many places for rent around here. But he managed to set up a viewing for two town houses on Thursday. It would be exciting to get a town house. I’ve never lived in one before and I think it would make me feel even more like a grown up haha.

However, moving right now throws another issue into the mix. My parents are coming to visit for a week at the end of May. Their flights are booked and we have some hotels booked for a trip through the mountains. I’m really hoping we can get a place with a move-in date of May 1st or sooner. I want to be all unpacked and settled into a new place before they come to visit. I want my place to look perfect for them. They have never stayed in a place that was mine for a night before and I want it to look like a real home. If we can’t move until June, that will mean my boyfriend will be unable to come on the mountain trip with us which would be pretty disappointing for everyone. The rental place said they have a place available for the middle of April but there are a ton of people who have viewings set up. I will have to cross my fingers that it’s suitable for the two of us and that no one snags it before us.

  1. I used to live in one room apartment with my girlfriend for a bit less than a year and it was so weird because we had too much stuff. I hope you can find a good big apartment or a house in your current neighborhood.
    Where do your parents live that they have to fly over to see you?

    1. @kitty, They live on the other side of Canada in Nova Scotia where I grew up. I haven’t seen them in over a year. I haven’t seen any of my family in that amount of time. 🙁

  2. Moving definitely makes everything chaotic. I thought I would be unpacked quickly but it has been over a month and I still have boxes all over. Can you perhaps temporarily live in your one bedroom apartment together until after your parents visit and give yourselves more time to find a really good place for both of you?

    1. @Julie, Yes if we are unable to get into one of the town houses before the time we need it, we have discussed him living with me until we find what we want.

  3. Good luck with the move. Moving (or planning a move as it seems you’re in that stage) can so frustrating and challenging. However, your boyfriend seems on top of it! I hope it works out. 🙂

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