Driving, Vacation

Canada Day Camping Trip

We went camping this weekend for the long weekend. It was the first time I used my car for a camping trip and it was packed to the brim. For the total trip we went about 800km which is the most I’ve driven at one time. I drove about 3 hours at a time each day.

We saw a lot of wildlife on our trip. There was a family of skunks walking along the road. They were so cute! It was a mom and three or four babies. I tried to get a picture and video of them but it was too difficult since I was also driving. We saw a lot of deer and even one moose! There was also a family of pelicans living on the lake we were camping at which was cool. I never even realized that pelicans live in Alberta (or Canada for that matter) so it was neat seeing them swimming and flying around.

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Other than that it was a pretty low-key weekend. We spend most of our time fishing, driving, or just relaxing in the tent. The one bad part was we couldn’t really have a campfire because all the wood was wet and we couldn’t get it to light on fire.

  1. I’ve never been camping and I’m not sure I want to, I’m not a very big outdoorsy person, but it looks like an interesting time for you. Do you often go camping?

    1. I love camping. When I was little, my family and I would go for a week at a time. We would camp every summer. Since I’ve moved out I haven’t gone as often, but I still try to go at least once a year.

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