Life, Vacation

Christmas Vacation: Day One

Today was my first day off from work. I kept myself pretty busy today. In the morning I got myself cleaned up with a shower. I cleaned up the kitchen and did my laundry. The boyfriend and I went out to buy him some skates so we can actually go skating this year. They opened up a new skate trail a couple days ago that I’m really excited to visit.

After getting lunch at IHOP we got some groceries for the next few days then came back home. After putting away the groceries I watched an episode of Married at First Sight while I folded my laundry.

Next I vacuumed the house as it hadn’t been done since I put up my tree.

In the late afternoon I started getting supper ready and made a desert I found on Facebook (recipes to come later). Once we finished eating and everything was out of the oven we went for a drive to look at Christmas lights.

It was a pretty productive day. I still have a few things I want to get done tomorrow such as cleaning the bathrooms and making shortbread cookies. We also plan on trying out the skates tomorrow.