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Spring, Is That You?

The weather has been nice over the last few days. And looking at the forecast, it looks like it will be above 0C for at least the next two weeks!

Last night I was even able to sleep with my window open! You don’t understand how much I’ve missed being able to do that. It feels so nice having the cool fresh air coming in and hearing the white noise from the near by highways.

I really hope Spring is here to stay. We actually had a pretty decent winter this year. It wasnt too cold, just pretty snowy. But I think many of us are ready for the warm weather and sunshine.

Thinking about Spring this morning made me think about when I first moved into this townhouse, and I realized that it will have been a year next month! Boy time goes quickly. When I first moved in I was so excited to be able to decorate for Halloween and Christmas. Now that the holidays are over I cannot wait to put my deck furniture back outside and sit in the sun.