Life, Vacation, Work

Goodbye Christmas

I took down my tree today and put away most of decorations (left up some of the window lights). I would have done it sooner but I’ve been busy, and lazy. Undecorating is never as fun as decorating. But I’m glad it’s gone. The place looks nice and tidy again (for the most part). When did you take your tree down? Or is it still up? I had my tree up for 2 months, which is a little too long in my opinion. But my boyfriend likes to put it up early (we put it up Nov. 15th this year). I figure I will leave my lights up and turned on until the snow goes away. When do you feel is the right time to take down the lights? Or is there a right time?

In other news, we booked our trip to Cuba for February. We have less than a month to go before we leave and I cannot wait! It’s been -20C here for a week or so and I cannot wait to be sitting on the beach in 29C weather. I’ve been trying to find some new sandals because my current ones broke at the end of the summer, but none of the stores seem to have them right now. Any idea where I could get sandals in the middle of winter?

I bought myself a couple new toys this year. I finally picked a smartphone. I bought the Samsung S4 from Best Buy Mobile which was on for $0. They had a promotion on with the phone so I also got a $175 gift card for Best Buy! I used half of the gift card and bought myself an activity band that tracks your steps among other things. I thought about taking it back because the battery doesn’t last very long. It tends to turn the screen on by itself (but doesn’t turn on when I try to turn it on!) which kills the battery. But there were things I liked about it so I convinced myself to keep it. I basically got it for free anyway. I was surprised at how many steps I take in a day. To be honest, I though that I walked more than the band says I do. On a work day, I average about 6000-8000 steps a day. I have my goal set at 10,000 but haven’t made it there yet. The other thing I’ve been tracking is how long I sleep. I always thought I slept about 8 hours a night, but it is actually closer to 9 1/2.

As for work news, we’ve been hiring people to beef up our team. We haven’t really trained them much yet. I worked with one girl once so far and start with another girl tomorrow. I’m not too fond of training but always seem to get suckered into doing it. Even when I worked at the movie theatre they would throw new people at me to train. There are certain things I don’t mind training, but there are also things that I don’t like to teach because I don’t feel I’m strong in that area myself.

Anyway, I think that’s all my news for now. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are settling back into your routine nicely.

  1. We took our decorations down the weekend after new years. Ooh a trip to Cuba how exciting!! Yes, definitely you’ll get to enjoy some warmer temperatures. Also, great deal on the phone!

  2. I use to leave my tree up forever, but got it down right away this year. I agree it isn’t as fun taking it all down.

  3. My tree came down between Christmas and New Years lol. I came home from work and Cory had it down and packed away. I was like “Hey… where’d the tree go?”

    We are between between -5C and -20C most days when you include windchill. Cuba would sound nice right about now…

    My boyfriends sister bought an S5 and my boyfriend has an S4 mini and they both love them. Samsungs are good products. I have a Samsung tablet that was great till I messed it up, so I bought a cheap acer one for now lol.

  4. Our Christmas tree stayed up later because of my work hours.

    I hope you enjoy your trip to Cuba! My first little trip of the year is just around 45 minutes away for a weekend, but I can’t wait – any time away is great.

    I finally bought a smartphone too. I just ended up with a Nokia which runs the Windows OS and I’m enjoying it.

    They’ve been hiring loads of people at work so in the end I’ve been cut down to 15 hours starting this week. It’s going to kill me in the end, but I’m guessing it means I need to start sewing and getting things online again. Ugh.

  5. We took down the tree a few weeks ago, so had it up longer than normal. Although, it usually goes up on Christmas eve and taken down after new years. We are just a big late and slow. If we had Christmas lights I would probably want to keep them up all the time because they are pretty and the idea of them with snow sounds beautiful.

    I hope you have a great time on your trip. That is a very big difference in temperature! I have been in summer at the moment with some really hot days. Our winter is never that cold, brrr.

    That is a cool gadget to have to track steps and sleeping. It’s a shame that the battery is not that great, or it wants to do it’s own thing.

    Hopefully the training has been going well. I don’t think I could do something like that, I would feel embarassed and shy. xD

  6. I’m with you. I hate the undecorating process. It’s never fun and I always get a little mopey after NYE and once all of the fanfare of the holidays comes to a close. At least you have your trip to look forward to. That’s a nice way to break up the winter months!

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