
October 20, 2013

Sweet Potato and Marshmallow Casserole

My ex-boyfriend’s mom would make this every Thanksgiving and Christmas so I decided to ask her to see if I could get the recipe for my Thanksgiving meal. It’s so simple and delicious. You can see a picture of the finished product in my last blog post.

Sweet Potatoes
Brown Sugar
Butter or Margarine

I used three potatoes because I had planned on there being three people eating (ended up being more people, but still had enough to go around). Peel and slice your sweet potatoes. Boil them until they are just soft enough to stick a fork in but not mushy. Drain them, then layer in a baking dish. Top with some melted butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar. Cut regular marshmallows in half and spread them over the top. You don’t need to completely cover the potatoes because the marshmallows will melt together. I personally think I should have used more marshmallows than I did because they were the favorite part for everyone. At this point you can put them in the oven at 350F until the tops brown or in the microwave until the marshmallows melt. Keep an eye on them so they just melt and don’t turn soupy. I put them in the oven right before we were ready to eat and they only took a couple minutes for the tops to brown so make sure you keep an eye on them.

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